Access to a database of thousands of job seekers who WANT to work at camp
Easy, Customized Searching
Search for camp staff that match your staffing needs and link to an individual's job profile with one easy click
Organization Tools
Save frequently used searches to save time
Link to Your Own Site
Advertise directly to hundreds of qualified candidates via your camp's information page with a link to your camp website
Staff Find You
Receive profiles of qualified candidates via email, as camp staff seek you out
Direct Email
We can send an email message for you that will go directly to the inboxes of any targeted subset of our giant staff database (to give you a head’s up, there is a small charge applied if you request a direct email)
You Find Staff
Staff info is made available to you through a simple search interface, or when seekers contact you via email.
Use our powerful search feature to search across multiple categories (eg show me all First-Aid certified counselors seeking a co-ed camp in the mid-west). Add keywords to be even more specific about the qualifications of candidates.
Search results give you a quick look at candidate profiles. Following their links leads you to see full resumes and personal information about potential camp staff.
Staff Find You
Job candidates can search all the data that summer camps provide us via our search form.
After conducting a search, summer camp names turn up as live links. In addition to what they already know about you, registered job seekers can follow these links to find an attractive webpage dedicated to your camp. We build this out of the information from your registration form, so it includes a description of your camp, a list of available positions, and contact information, including your website.